We have chosen to combine Cognitivism and Constructivism learning theory approaches for this course. We believe that this combination can provide a balanced approach that considers both the individual learner’s cognitive processes and their active construction of knowledge. When designing our learning modules, we first focus on cognitivism as the learning theory because at first, we are laying out information about the topic that the learner can read and process at their own pace. Every individual receives processes, and stores information in different ways. This is why we believe that laying facts and information for the reader to process is not only an example of cognitive learning but also a good way to introduce any new concept to a learner. Once the cognitive part of the learning module is done, we then switch to a more constructivism-focused learning theory by having the learner interactively complete questions and assess their knowledge. Here, the learner is encouraged to bring their own insights and knowledge into answering the questions. Constructing an answer based on what they have learned from the module as well as their own experience is a more constructive learning theory approach which we believe really helps cement the knowledge learned into the learner’s mind. Additionally, by conducting labs and writing an exam, the learners will use a constructive approach to learning.